"Brits are good at dressing for cold and excellent at dressing for rain ... But we are not enabled for sun-appropriate fashion."
Polly Vernon
Reading this article, it made me realise that's exactly what's wrong at the moment. I've been in a 30degree sticky heat ridden Paris for a good month now and I'm seeing so many flaws in my wardrobe. Brits have serious problems when it comes to dressing for hot weather. When I went to Sydney last year I think I started to realise that my wardrobe was really really unsuitable.
In fact when you are half way across the world and you realise that all your clothes are cashmere or just weird looking holiday clothes and you're in Sydney and you're hanging out with people that don't have to deal with temperatures below 15degrees ever and look fantastic in all their interesting never heard of before Australian labels you start to panic. And hate your wardrobe. And then through the panic you panic buy and then you come out looking like a cheap surfer chick and then you come home back to UK, back to where's the weather is easy to dress for and then you realise youll never wear any of the clothes you bought again. Ever. Or at least that's just me.
Paris I think is the perfect place to reconfigure your new summer wardrobe, all these women wander around looking Garance picture perfect and I'm amazed. when I get up in the morning all i want to do is throw a tiny t-shirt and shorts on but these women never fail to perfect their looks. It was the same in Sydney.
And I need to learn how they do it but alas this poor Brit is struggling. I'm in search of perfect shorts and slouchy t-shirts but its so hot to shop. Saying that i really should take more advantage of these summer sales. Maybe tomorrow on my Bastille day off!
I'm sure ill still come back looking like a weird hippy surfer chick though, either that or ill buy a jumper...
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